Organization Organization City Grant Amount Year Program Area Area of Focus
Community Health Center of Cape Cod Mashpee $175,000 2015 Fostering Effective Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care Behavioral Health
MetroWest Free Medical Program Sudbury $1,000 2015 Catalyst Fund
Fishing Partnership Health Plan Burlington $40,000 2015 Connecting Consumers with Care Coverage and Care
Boston Public Health Commission Boston $40,000 2015 Connecting Consumers with Care
Friends of Jewish Community Housing for the Elderly Brighton $50,000 2015 Social Equity and Health Coverage and Care
Boston University School of Social Work Boston $147,363 2015 Policy and Research Grants Coverage and Care
County of Dukes County West Tisbury $40,000 2015 Connecting Consumers with Care Coverage and Care
People Acting in Community Endeavors New Bedford $40,000 2015 Connecting Consumers with Care
Lynn Community Health Center Lynn $150,000 2015 Fostering Effective Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care
Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers Boston $60,000 2015 Strengthening the Voice for Access Coverage and Care
Massachusetts Public Health Association Boston $75,000 2015 Strengthening the Voice for Access
Peer Health Exchange Boston $3,846 2015 Catalyst Fund
Citizens' Housing and Planning Association Boston, MA $50,000 2015 Social Equity and Health
Mattapan Community Health Center Mattapan $5,000 2015 Catalyst Fund
New Hope Inc. Attleboro $5,000 2015 Catalyst Fund
Boston Center for Independent Living Boston $52,000 2015 Strengthening the Voice for Access Coverage and Care
Urban Institute $58,347 2015 Policy and Research Grants
Disability Policy Consortium Boston $60,000 2015 Strengthening the Voice for Access
Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition Boston $60,000 2015 Strengthening the Voice for Access
Community Health Connections Inc. Fitchburg $4,719 2015 Catalyst Fund
Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee Cambridge $40,000 2015 Connecting Consumers with Care Coverage and Care
Veterans Inc. Worcester $5,000 2015 Catalyst Fund
Community Action of the Franklin, Hampshire, and North Quabbin Regions Greenfield $40,000 2015 Connecting Consumers with Care Coverage and Care
Community Health Programs, Inc. Great Barrington $5,000 2015 Catalyst Fund
Hebrew Senior Life, Inc Boston $175,000 2015 Fostering Effective Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care Behavioral Health
Sociedad Latina Roxbury $1,000 2015 Catalyst Fund
Willie Ross School for the Deaf Longmeadow $2,062 2015 Catalyst Fund
Lynn Community Health Center Lynn $40,000 2015 Connecting Consumers with Care
Harbor Health Services Dorchester $40,000 2015 Connecting Consumers with Care Coverage and Care
Brockton Neighborhood Health Center Brockton $40,000 2015 Connecting Consumers with Care
Volunteers in Medicine Great Barrington $5,000 2015 Catalyst Fund
Great Barrington $5,000 2015 Catalyst Fund
Hilltown Community Health Centers Worthington $40,000 2015 Connecting Consumers with Care Coverage and Care
End With Care Newton $5,000 2015 Catalyst Fund
Parents Helping Parents Watertown $4,719 2015 Catalyst Fund
Massachusetts Senior Action Council Dorchester $60,000 2015 Strengthening the Voice for Access Coverage and Care
National Alliance on Mental Illness Massachusetts Boston $60,000 2015 Strengthening the Voice for Access Coverage and Care
Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress, Inc. Burlington $5,000 2015 Catalyst Fund
FriendshipWorks Boston $4,799 2015 Catalyst Fund
Vinfen Corporation Cambridge $175,000 2015 Fostering Effective Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care
Bread of Life, Inc. Malden $4,672 2015 Catalyst Fund
Victory Programs Boston $4,950 2015 Catalyst Fund
South Middlesex Opportunity Council Framingham $50,000 2015 Social Equity and Health Coverage and Care
Helping Our Women Provincetown $4,500 2015 Catalyst Fund
Community Action of the Franklin, Hampshire and North Quabbin Regions Greenfield $40,000 2014 Connecting Consumers with Care Coverage and Care
Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers Boston $60,000 2014 Strengthening the Voice for Access Coverage and Care
Health Law Advocates Boston $75,000 2014 Strengthening the Voice for Access Coverage and Care
YWCA of Greater Lawrence Lawrence $5,000 2014 Catalyst Fund
Lynn Community Health Center Lynn $125,000 2014 Fostering Effective Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care Behavioral Health
Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition Boston $75,000 2014 Strengthening the Voice for Access Coverage and Care
North Quabbin Community Coalition Athol $1,500 2014 Catalyst Fund
Disability Policy Consortium Boston $75,000 2014 Strengthening the Voice for Access
Lynn Community Health Center Lynn $40,000 2014 Connecting Consumers with Care Coverage and Care
Community Health Programs Great Barrington $40,000 2014 Connecting Consumers with Care Coverage and Care
Massachusetts Law Reform Institute Boston $75,000 2014 Strengthening the Voice for Access Coverage and Care
UMass Memorial Health Care, Inc. Worcester $125,000 2014 Fostering Effective Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care Behavioral Health
Bread and Roses Lawrence $5,000 2014 Catalyst Fund
Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center Worcester $5,000 2014 Catalyst Fund
The Foundation for Art & Healing Brookline $5,000 2014 Catalyst Fund
Joint Committee for Children's Health Care in Everett Everett $40,000 2014 Connecting Consumers with Care Coverage and Care
Community Health Center of Cape Cod Mashpee $125,000 2014 Fostering Effective Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care Behavioral Health
Fishing Partnership Health Plan Burlington $40,000 2014 Connecting Consumers with Care Coverage and Care
Dimock Community Health Center Roxbury $150,000 2014 Fostering Effective Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care Behavioral Health
Boston Public Health Commission Boston $40,000 2014 Connecting Consumers with Care Coverage and Care
Springwell, Inc. Waltham $5,000 2014 Catalyst Fund
Brockton Neighborhood Health Center Brockton $40,000 2014 Connecting Consumers with Care Coverage and Care
Boston Center for Independent Living Boston $40,000 2014 Strengthening the Voice for Access Coverage and Care
Boston ASAP Boston $4,350 2014 Catalyst Fund
Codman Square Health Center Dorchester $40,000 2014 Connecting Consumers with Care Coverage and Care
Asian Women for Health Somerville $5,000 2014 Catalyst Fund
The Arc of Bristol County Attleboro $5,000 2014 Catalyst Fund
Center for Human Development Springfield $125,000 2014 Fostering Effective Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care Behavioral Health
Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program Boston $150,000 2014 Fostering Effective Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care Behavioral Health
County of Dukes County West Tisbury $40,000 2014 Connecting Consumers with Care Coverage and Care
ServiceNet Northampton $5,000 2014 Catalyst Fund
The Edinburg Center Lexington $5,000 2014 Catalyst Fund
Massachusetts Public Health Association Boston $60,000 2014 Strengthening the Voice for Access Coverage and Care
Health Care For All Boston $75,000 2014 Strengthening the Voice for Access
Saint Vincent's Home Corporation Fall River $5,000 2014 Catalyst Fund
The Family Van Roxbury $5,000 2014 Catalyst Fund
Veteran's Acupuncture Care Metrowest Framingham $5,000 2014 Catalyst Fund
Greater Boston Interfaith Organization Dorchester $75,000 2014 Strengthening the Voice for Access Coverage and Care
Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands Hyannis $40,000 2014 Connecting Consumers with Care Coverage and Care
Cambridge Health Alliance/Windsor Street Clinic Cambridge $125,000 2014 Fostering Effective Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care Behavioral Health
International Institute of New England Boston $4,350 2014 Catalyst Fund
Community Healthlink, Inc. Worcester $150,000 2014 Fostering Effective Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care Behavioral Health
Brookline Community Mental Health Center Brookline $125,000 2014 Fostering Effective Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care Behavioral Health
RESPOND Somerville $3,950 2014 Catalyst Fund
Shriver Clinical Services Wakefield $5,000 2014 Catalyst Fund
Community Health Center of Franklin County Greenfield $40,000 2014 Connecting Consumers with Care Coverage and Care
Ecu-Health Care North Adams $40,000 2014 Connecting Consumers with Care Coverage and Care
Women of Means, Inc. Wellesley $5,000 2014 Catalyst Fund
Massachusetts Senior Action Council Dorchester $60,000 2014 Strengthening the Voice for Access Coverage and Care
Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England Milford $3,000 2014 Catalyst Fund
National Alliance on Mental Illness of Massachusetts Boston $5,000 2014 Catalyst Fund
John Snow Research and Training Institute, Inc. (JSI) Boston $134,834 2014 Policy and Research Grants Coverage and Care
Whittier Street Health Center Roxbury $40,000 2014 Connecting Consumers with Care Coverage and Care
Family Health Center of Worcester Worcester $40,000 2014 Connecting Consumers with Care Coverage and Care
The Good Shepherd's Maria Droste Services Quincy $4,881 2014 Catalyst Fund
Vinfen Corporation Cambridge $150,000 2014 Fostering Effective Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care Behavioral Health