Fostering Effective Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care

Fostering Effective Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care

Status: Grant Period:

Fostering Effective Integration provides at least three years of funding for experienced programs to assess how integration of behavioral health and primary care services impact access to integrated care, patient engagement and satisfaction, and quality of care. Some of the essential elements for funding consideration include 1) programs poised to expand by broadening their focus on a specific patient population, co-morbidity, new screening, additional service or some other intervention component that creates the condition for pre- and post-measurement; 2) enhancement or creation of a patient registry; 3) detailed documentation of annual program implementation costs, and 4) experience with measuring success of the integration program. Grant recipients will participate in a quantitative evaluation of access to appropriate care that will be designed by the evaluator in cooperation with the grantees and the Foundation.

This program area is not accepting applications. For a listing of current grant recipients, click "Recent Awards" to the left.