Community Impact
Whether through formal evaluation, observation of policy and practice shifts, or narrative data, the Foundation aims to measure and track our long term and short term impact. The findings drive improvement and inform our strategic priorities.
Through our grantmaking we identify and disseminate effective models, innovative strategies, and solutions to shared challenges. By bringing the hard work of our grant partner organizations to scale, we aim to advance the field, the work of similar institutions, and the health of communities.
Grant Impact
Total Amount Awarded since 2001

Connecting Consumers with Care
The Connecting Consumers with Care grant program supports health insurance outreach, enrollment, and post-enrollment services, and activities that further consumer self-sufficiency, or the ability to navigate systems of health coverage and care with increasing independence. Read the evaluation here.
Making Health Care Affordable: Preserving Access and Improving Value
From 2011 through 2014, Making Health Care Affordable grants supported the development, expansion, testing, and measurement of the impact of affordability strategies among Massachusetts health care organizations.
Fostering Effective Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care
From 2015 through 2017, Fostering Effective Integration grants supported organizations that had experience with integrated behavioral health (IBH) to expand integrated care to new populations or new settings. Grant recipients assessed how integration of behavioral health and primary care services impact access to integrated care, patient engagement and satisfaction, and quality of care. Read the evaluation here.
Strengthening the Voice for Access
The Strengthening the Voice for Access grant program provides up to two years of operating support to advocacy organizations whose missions and activities are focused on promoting the health and health care interests of low-income and vulnerable Massachusetts residents.
Closing the Gap on Health Care Disparities
From 2005 through 2011, Closing the Gap on Health Care Disparities grants supported organizations and coalitions across Massachusetts seeking to reduce health disparities by race, ethnicity, immigration status, age, mental illness, and sexual orientation. Read the evaluation here.
Innovation Fund for the Uninsured
From 2001 through 2010, Innovation Fund for the Uninsured grants supported health care delivery organizations in improving the organization, continuity, and completeness of care for patients without health insurance and those at high risk for losing their coverage.
Thank you, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation, for your help and support of these much needed services. Both our staff and our patients are very appreciative of all you do to help increase access to health care throughout Massachusetts.

Illustration of map from "Geography of Uninsurance in Massachusetts: An Update for 2013-2017" depicting the uninsurance rate by quartile for all persons (darkest shade representing highest quartile)
We Invest In People, Places, And Ideas
In addition to measuring the impact of our grantmaking, we also track our influence of our other approaches to creating equitable access to health care. By setting goals within each of our focus areas, we identify and monitor changes in systems, processes, and population that demonstrate progress toward our vision.
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