Grant Partners
Boston Center for Independent Living
Boston Center for Independent Living (BCIL) advocates with and for people with disabilities. BCIL is an influential leader in the statewide independent living movement. Its delivery of independent living services enables participants to raise issues of personal and systematic interests that BCIL folds into its policy and advocacy agenda.
Fishing Partnership Health Plan Corporation
The Fishing Partnership (TFP) will increase behavioral health equity in Massachusetts fishing communities by promoting the availability and accessibility of behavioral health support with a focus on cultural competency and language accessibility. This funding will allow TFP to integrate behavioral health access within its existing community health worker program by training TFP Navigators in behavioral health with Riverside Trauma Center (RTC). This will enhance the Navigators’ ability to respond to traumatic incidents in the fishing industry alongside the RTC team of clinicians.
Martha’s Vineyard Community Services
Martha’s Vineyard Community Services will create a co-responder pilot program to address the lack of behavioral health care access for island residents, who typically engage with mental health and substance use services only through 911 calls to police. The new program will link a qualified behavioral health clinician with local law enforcement to create a pathway to community-based services, diverting residents from detainment, arrest, or transport to the hospital emergency department.
Propa City Community Outreach
Propa City Community Outreach will provide its services focused on perinatal health education and peer support to Boston’s communities of color who are dealing with pregnancy loss.
Digger Foods
Funding to build a new ordering platform that will allow customers to have more options about what fruits and vegetables will be in each delivery, and to decrease food waste.
Worcester RISE for Health
Funding to implement electronic Emergency Medical Records to provide high quality care to clients – allowing the organization to fully integrate their medical records with a large hospital system which also serves its clients.
Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers
MLCHC is a powerful and vital advocate for defending the state's safety net and primary care institutions. MLCHC works to support community health centers (CHCs) and seeks to advance its knowledge and identify entry points for increased direct advocacy while continuing to support the ongoing work of CHCs. MLCHC is an effective resource and information source for its members, policymakers, state agencies, and other advocates on the preservation of and access to high-quality and affordable care and comprehensive benefits.
2Gether We Eat, Inc.
Funding to bolster outreach and community engagement to increase awareness of services and to strengthen partnerships. This support will focus on reaching communities of color and community with low-income in Worcester’s urban core.
Berkshire Nursing Families
Berkshire Nursing Families will implement the next phase of its partnership with Springfield Family Doulas to train and mentor Black doulas and lactation counselors in Berkshire County.
Disability Policy Consortium
Disability Policy Consortium (DPC) promotes health justice and ending health disparities for people with disabilities. DPC's credo is "About Us, By Us," the belief that when decisions are made about people with disabilities, people with disabilities should be the ones making them. DPC has established itself as an essential voice in state and federal policymaking while remaining effective in community organizing and advocacy.
Mandela Yoga Project, Inc
In collaboration with Community Care Cooperative (C3) (an accountable care organization that funds 24 Federally Qualified Health Centers across Massachusetts) Mandela Yoga Project will pilot a peer-led, culturally responsive, trauma-responsive mind-body intervention at Uphams Corner Health Center (Uphams) and Brockton Neighborhood Health Center. The pilot will address disparities in diabetes and hypertension by increasing the percentage of diabetes patients with controlled blood pressure, increasing the percentage of diabetes patients with A1C control, and improving member experience.
Prisoners’ Legal Services
Prisoners’ Legal Services will develop a project to increase access to medical parole by creating an infrastructure for pro bono attorneys and medical advocates to collaborate on prisoner petitions. Prisons are not equipped to handle the health care needs of seriously ill or dying prisoners, and medical parole is seen as the best alternative. To increase support for eligible incarcerated individuals, the nonprofit will identify and train pro bono attorneys who can respond to referrals, forge connections between the attorneys and pro bono medical providers, and develop resource materials and communications to family members.
Perinatal Wellness Support Center of the Cape & Islands
Perinatal Wellness Support Center of the Cape & Islands will provide its six-week training offered in English, Spanish and Portuguese that covers childbirth education, perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, breastfeeding, nutrition and other prenatal and postpartum health issues.
Olga’s List, Inc.
Funding to start a trauma-informed support group for Ukrainian refugees facing post-traumatic stress disorders.
Friends of Hampshire County Homeless Individuals
Funding to launch the EmpowerRide Health Initiative, a program designed to empower and support unhoused individuals on their journey toward healthier, better lives. The initiative provides individuals in need with bicycles and safety equipment, thereby granting them equitable access to transportation to meet their needs for a healthy life.