Beyond Parity: Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder under Payment and Delivery System Reform in Massachusetts

This report by Colleen Barry of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health explores opportunities and issues around integrating behavioral health care and primary care under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and payment and delivery system reforms in Massachusetts. The report provides preliminary recommendations on how these major policy changes might be implemented with the goal of improving the coordination, quality and outcomes of mental health and addiction care in the Commonwealth.

Dual Eligibles in Massachusetts: A Profile of Health Care Services and Spending for Non-Elderly Adults Enrolled in Both Medicare and Medicaid

Comprehensive report presenting combined Medicare and Medicaid spending data for non-elderly adults (ages 21 to 64) dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid in Massachusetts. This report was created by Ellen Breslin Davidson and Tony Dreyfus of BD Group. MMPI produced this report in collaboration with the Office of Medicaid in the Executive Office of Health and Human Services. Designed to support use of the charts in slide presentations.

The Basics of the Massachusetts Medicaid Program

A fact sheet that introduces MassHealth, the Massachusetts Medicaid program, describing its basic structure, benefits, and beneficiaries. It examines how enrollment and spending have changed over time and describes some current policy issues and challenges. A updated fact sheet that introduces MassHealth, the Massachusetts Medicaid program, describing its basic structure, benefits, and beneficiaries. It examines how enrollment and spending have changed over time and describes some current policy issues and challenges.

Closing the Gap on Racial and Ethnic Health Care Disparities: Lessons Learned from 2005-2008 Grantees

In 2005, the Foundation launched the Closing the Gap on Racial and Ethnic Health Care Disparities grantmaking area and secured the Disparities Solution Center at Massachusetts General Hospital as an evaluation partner. This report highlights stories of change from policy, organizational, provider, and client perspectives. Lessons from this report guided the Foundation in revising its funding strategy for the subsequent 2008–2011 grantmaking cycle.


Accessing Children's Mental Health Services in Massachusetts: Workforce Capacity Assessment

This report is based on a survey of 1,982 mental health providers in Massachusetts including psychiatrists, psychiatric clinical nurse specialists, psychologists, social workers, mental health counselors, and marriage and family therapists. It estimates the need for childrens mental health services; assesses child and family mental health service delivery capacity; identifies variation in capacity, including variation by geography, linguistic ability, and cultural competence; and documents challenges to meeting current demand for services.

The MassHealth Waiver: 2009-2011 ... and Beyond

On December 22, 2008, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services approved Massachusetts' request to renew the MassHealth Section 1115 Research and Demonstration Waiver (Waiver) for an additional three years, through the end of state fiscal year 2011. The Waiver, which has been in place since 1997, authorizes critical federal funding for several health coverage programs for low-income individuals and for the Commonwealth's safety net health system for uninsured residents. It is the programmatic and financial underpinning of the state's health care reform law. Through the Waiver, over 1 million low-income children, families and individuals receive coverage through MassHealth and Commonwealth Care, the subsidized premium assistance program for low-income adults created by Chapter 58. This report explains how the state's Waiver works.

The Basics of the Massachusetts Medicaid Program

A fact sheet that introduces MassHealth, the Massachusetts Medicaid program, describing its basic structure, benefits and beneficiaries. It examines how enrollment and spending have changed over time and describes some current policy issues and challenges.