What is the Actual State Cost of MassHealth in State Fiscal Year 2022?

cover of the What's the Actual Cost of MassHealth in State Fiscal Year 2022?

As a program that provides publicly-funded health benefits to more than 2 million low-income children and families, seniors and people living with disabilities in Massachusetts, it is not surprising that MassHealth accounts for a large share of the state’s budget.  However, a cursory review of the MassHealth budget can be misleading because it can obscure the billions of dollars in federal revenue that the program generates for the state. This brief looks beyond the budget totals to help stakeholders better understand the actual state cost of MassHealth by accounting for the state and federal partnership that finances this program.

In state fiscal year (SFY) 2022, the state projects it will spend approximately $19.2 billion on MassHealth. This total (or “gross” amount) is approximately 36 percent of total estimated state spending for SFY 2022. However, because the federal government reimburses Massachusetts for more than half of its MassHealth spending, the state’s actual cost for MassHealth (“net of”—or minus—federal revenue) is $8.5 billion or 22 percent of the total state spending in SFY 2022. Fully understanding the actual state cost of MassHealth requires appreciating the details of the federal and other revenue sources that support this essential and comprehensive program.


Value-Based Payment to Support Children’s Health and Wellness: Shifting the Focus from Short-Term to Life Course Impact

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Health care payers, providers, and policymakers are increasingly pursuing value-based payment (VBP) to improve the quality of care and population health while controlling rising health care costs. When implemented in Medicaid, VBP programs often include children and adults in the same model, though these models may not fully account for children’s distinct health needs.

This report seeks to inform the work of Massachusetts policymakers and stakeholders to better incorporate children’s health needs and experiences within the payment models in the MassHealth Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Program by examining lessons from states and providers throughout the country.  Based on the results of an environmental scan, including a review of peer-reviewed and gray literature and interviews with 18 subject matter experts, this report identifies and describes four main VBP approaches for delivering care to pediatric populations. The authors then synthesize key themes and lessons learned for successfully implementing VBP models for children. These findings suggest there is great opportunity for Massachusetts to serve as a leader in this field, and the report lays out a set of policy and program considerations to help Massachusetts design an approach to better serving children within and alongside the framework of the existing ACO Program. Ultimately, adapting VBP for pediatric populations requires recognition that pediatric VBP models should not be focused on short-term savings but rather on improving quality of care to support child health and long-term population health outcomes.


MassHealth Impact Series


This five-part series of issue briefs describes MassHealth’s impact on the health and finances of its members, families, and communities, as well as on the wide variety of stakeholders and sectors outside of the traditional health care realm that benefit from the program, including:

  • the Commonwealth’s schools and school‐aged children, teens, and young adults;
  • the state’s economy and businesses, including how MassHealth supports working families, reduces uncompensated care costs, and draws federal funds into the state;
  • the behavioral health care system, addressing how MassHealth provides coverage, access, and delivery of services across the full behavioral health care continuum; and
  • justice-involved persons, describing how MassHealth supports re-entry into the community.

Key findings from this series were featured at a Foundation virtual event on Wednesday, June 30th from 2:00-4:00 pm. Click here to view event materials.


The MassHealth Accountable Care Organization Program: Uncovering Opportunities to Drive Future Success


This report describes the results of a qualitative analysis of the MassHealth Accountable Care Organization (ACO) program over its first two years of operation. The Foundation commissioned this report to provide timely insight into what is working well, challenges stakeholders are facing, and opportunities to strengthen the program. The findings from this analysis are intended to fill a current gap in publicly available data evaluating the ACO program; they elevate the perspective of organizations operating within this new program, and can be used to help inform policymakers and administrators as they continue to build on and refine the ACO program.

This analysis was informed by a series of interviews with 34 individuals representing 21 organizations, including ACOs, managed care organizations, Long-Term Services and Supports and Behavioral Health Community Partners (CPs), Social Services Organizations (SSOs), and other stakeholders involved in the program. The following five key themes emerged from this research:

  1. Interviewees overwhelmingly support the Accountable Care Organization program and praise MassHealth’s stakeholder engagement efforts to improve the program.
  2. Interviewees report progress toward improving care delivery but acknowledge that making a measurable impact on health outcomes takes time.
  3. The Accountable Care Organization program sparked the formation of beneficial partnerships among Accountable Care Organizations, Community Partners, and Social Service Organizations.
  4. The Community Partner Program’s complexity created a burden for Accountable Care Organizations and Community Partners.
  5. The Flexible Services Program is promising, but relationships between Accountable Care Organizations and Social Service Organizations could benefit from more structure.

To ensure future success of the ACO program, the report also makes specific programmatic recommendations for strengthening the program moving forward. These recommendations focus on: (1) supporting improved communication and data sharing among ACOs, CPs, and SSOs; and (2) addressing structural elements of the program that hinder partnerships in the CP and Flexible Services Programs.


A Primer on the Dual Eligible Population in Massachusetts


Of the more than 1.8 million people enrolled in MassHealth, Massachusetts’ Medicaid program, one in five are dually eligible and receive health care coverage through two distinct payers – Medicare and MassHealth. This educational primer was developed to build a deeper understanding of the dual eligible population in Massachusetts. It illustrates the diversity of dual eligible individuals’ clinical and functional needs, service utilization, and spending patterns. The primer also describes the program options that are available to meet their needs, with a particular focus on MassHealth’s integrated care programs – One Care, the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), and Senior Care Options (SCO). Also included in the primer is a description of the state’s proposed reforms, known as the Duals Demonstration 2.0, to increase enrollment in One Care and SCO and improve care integration and quality for dual eligible members.

The primer consists of four components:

  • An issue brief, which provides an overview of the characteristics of dual eligible members in Massachusetts and the costs associated with their care, as well as of the coverage landscape for the state’s dual eligible individuals and key objectives of the Duals Demo 2.0;
  • An in-depth comparative assessment of the integrated care programs available to dual eligible members in Massachusetts;
  • A data chart pack, which offers a detailed analysis of enrollment, demographics, and spending trends among dual eligible individuals in Massachusetts; and
  • A set of five profiles of dual eligible members enrolled in integrated care and fee-for-service delivery systems in Massachusetts.

Understanding Legal Challenges to the Affordable Care Act: A Brief Review of Key Issues

This educational brief describes the key elements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and provides an overview of California v. Texas, a case currently before the U.S. Supreme Court that seeks to overturn the ACA. Also included in this brief is a discussion of recent relevant case history and how the arguments in California v. Texas build upon prior legal challenges to the ACA.

Potential Coverage and Federal Funding Losses for Massachusetts if California v. Texas Ultimately Overturns the Affordable Care Act

California v. Texas, a case currently before the U.S. Supreme Court, seeks to overturn the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The court is expected to begin hearing arguments on this case on November 10, 2020. A final ruling that overturns the ACA would have widespread implications, affecting every state in the nation.

This brief and companion infographic describe what’s at stake for Massachusetts if the court were to overturn the ACA — focusing on what it could mean for the state’s health insurance coverage rates and federal funding. This analysis is based on two scenarios: 1) where the ACA is overturned in its entirety and the state is not able to reestablish the subsidized coverage programs created by the state’s 2006 health reform and 2) where the ACA is overturned, but the state is able to reestablish its 2006 coverage programs.

The estimates described in this brief are generated from a model developed by the Urban Institute, which was used for a similar analysis released by the Foundation in December 2019. This new analysis uses state-level 2019 and 2020 cost and coverage data from MassHealth, the Health Connector, and the Center for Health Information and Analysis. The updated data used for this analysis captures many of the changes to the health insurance coverage landscape in Massachusetts as a result of COVID-19 and the associated economic downturn.

Potential Coverage and Federal Funding Losses for Massachusetts if Texas v. United States Ultimately Overturns the Affordable Care Act

Texas v. United States, a case currently before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, seeks to overturn the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The court’s decision in the case could be announced any day and the case may ultimately be decided by the Supreme Court. A final ruling that overturns the ACA would have widespread implications, affecting every state in the nation.

This brief describes the implications of repeal for Massachusetts — focusing on what it could mean for the state’s health insurance coverage rates and federal funding, and what conditions would be necessary to prevent a significant erosion of Massachusetts’ coverage gains if the courts were to overturn the ACA. Two main scenarios are described: 1) where the ACA is overturned in its entirety and the state is not able to reestablish the subsidized coverage programs created by the state’s 2006 health reform and 2) where the ACA is overturned, but the state is able to reestablish its 2006 coverage programs.

The estimates described in this brief were generated from a model developed by the Urban Institute using state-level 2019 cost and coverage data from MassHealth, the Massachusetts Health Connector, and the Center for Health Information and Analysis.

The Geography of Uninsurance in Massachusetts: An Update for 2013-2017

This brief and accompanying set of tables serve as an update to previously released reports on the geography of uninsurance in Massachusetts. Relying on newly released data for 2013-2017 from the American Community Survey (ACS), this brief uses three measures of uninsurance – uninsurance rate, number of uninsured, and concentration of uninsured – to identify high-uninsurance communities in the state. This brief also provides new information on socioeconomic characteristics of high-uninsurance communities and their uninsured residents to further inform strategies for targeted outreach efforts. Among other key findings, by looking at the concentration of uninsured residents (i.e., the number of uninsured per square mile of land area) to identify high-uninsurance communities, we find that the uninsured are concentrated in a relatively small number of communities, primarily in and around Boston.

Included with this release is a set of detailed tables available for download that provide estimates of the rate and number of uninsured for all persons, children (ages 0-18), and adults (ages 19-64), by various geographic units, including Congressional districts, counties, cities and towns, and census tracts.

2018 Massachusetts Health Reform Survey

This collection of materials is the latest in a series by the Urban Institute summarizing the findings from the 2018 Massachusetts Health Reform Survey (MHRS). The Foundation began conducting the MHRS in fall 2006 to support the evaluation of Massachusetts’ 2006 health care reform bill. The survey has been fielded periodically since 2006 – most recently in spring 2018 – to monitor key measures pertaining to health insurance coverage and health care access and affordability among non-elderly adults (ages 19-64) in Massachusetts. For the first time in 2018, the MHRS included several questions pertaining to access to care for mental health (MH) and substance use disorder (SUD) services.

The 2018 MHRS highlights the state’s ongoing success at maintaining near-universal health insurance coverage since the passage of Massachusetts’ 2006 health care reform law. However, the survey’s core measures demonstrate that opportunities for improvements in access to and affordability of health care for the state’s residents remain and the new questions on MH/SUDs highlight the significant barriers to care and gaps in access to care faced by those seeking MH/SUD services. The survey findings are a reminder that the goals of health care reform are not fully achieved by simply reducing the number of people who are uninsured. New strategies are needed to improve access to care and reduce the burden of health care costs for Massachusetts adults and their families, particularly for the most vulnerable.

Findings from the 2018 MHRS were featured at a Foundation event held on December 11, 2018. Click here to learn more about the event.

This year’s results are presented in a variety of publications including:

Association Health Plans: A Primer and Key Considerations for Massachusetts

This brief frames the key issues and potential impacts to Massachusetts consumers that may result from implementation of the federal proposed rule to expand the availability of Association Health Plans (AHPs). This brief:

  • Describes the ways in which allowing AHPs to operate according to the proposed rule could impact the scope of benefits, provider networks, and consumer protections available to consumers in plans covered through this arrangement;
  • Explains technical topics such as risk segmentation and rating rules and why they are important in considering the impacts of the proposed AHP rule on consumer access to health coverage; and
  • Provides policymakers with options the Commonwealth could consider to protect consumers in response to the federal AHP proposal.

A History of Promoting Health Coverage in Massachusetts

This brief provides an overview of the steps that Massachusetts has taken to establish a functioning insurance market that provides consumers with meaningful access to health coverage. It includes a review of statutory and regulatory provisions in place today, and provides context for key health reform initiatives that have occurred over the past 30+ years. This brief is structured around four key components of a functioning market for health coverage:

1. Encouraging or requiring coverage of a comprehensive set of benefits and services;
2. Ensuring fair competition among insurance carriers;
3. Providing access to coverage, particularly for low- and middle-income residents; and
4. Instituting mechanisms to protect consumers.

The policies and provisions described in this brief have played an important role in the evolution of the Massachusetts market, helping the state achieve near-universal coverage, enabling most Massachusetts employers to offer comprehensive coverage to their employees, establishing a competitive market for health coverage, and protecting consumers.

Modeling the Impacts of the American Health Care Act on Massachusetts

The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation, on behalf of the Massachusetts Coalition for Coverage and Care, funded a state-level analysis on the impact of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) on Massachusetts focused on 2022, when the law would be fully phased in.

Created by the Urban Institute’s Health Policy Center, this analysis uses state-level cost and coverage data from MassHealth (the state’s Medicaid program), the Massachusetts Health Connector Authority, and the Center for Health Information and Analysis. It is believed to be the first published study of the bill’s impact on an individual state.

Massachusetts Residents without Health Insurance Coverage: Understanding Those at Risk of Long-Term Uninsurance

Massachusetts currently has the lowest uninsurance rate in the nation, and as part of the individual mandate to carry health insurance coverage, the state collects detailed information through its tax filing process about the health insurance status of over four million residents. This report analyzes 2011 and 2012 state tax filer data and provides new information about Massachusetts residents that are prone to remaining uninsured over consecutive years. The findings can help inform stakeholders who want to maintain the state’s low uninsurance rate and who strive to lower the number of individuals without health insurance coverage.

Prepared by Michael Chin of the University of Massachusetts Medical School and Audrey Gasteier of the Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority, the analyses in this report represent the first time that tax filer data is being used to quantify the state’s uninsured population over a period of two consecutive calendar years. No other state has such detailed information on its residents’ insurance status.

2013-2015 Connecting Consumers with Care Grant Area Evaluation

Since 2001, the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation (the Foundation) has supported community-based organizations, federally qualified health centers, and public agencies through its Connecting Consumers with Care grant program. During the October 2013 through September 2015 grant cycle, 16 organizations across Massachusetts received awards to help low-income and vulnerable consumers enroll in and maintain access to publicly subsidized health insurance coverage, and to help consumers navigate systems of coverage and care with increasing independence. This period coincided with the state’s implementation of key components of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA).

This report includes findings from the evaluation of the 2013-2015 Connecting Consumers with Care grant program. The goals of the evaluation were to 1) assess progress made on select outreach and enrollment measures, 2) describe the practices grantees adopted to reach and enroll consumers in health insurance, and 3) characterize efforts and challenges in defining, promoting, and evaluating consumer self-sufficiency. 
