Browse by Medicaid

House of Representatives FY2017 Budget Proposal for MassHealth (Medicaid) and Health Reform Programs

This brief describes the Massachusetts House of Representatives fiscal year (FY) 2017 budget proposal for MassHealth (Medicaid) and other subsidized health coverage programs. It is the second in a series of FY2017 budget briefs produced by the Massachusetts Medicaid Policy Institute (MMPI) in partnership with Health Management Associates. MMPI will be publishing budget briefs at several stages in the FY2017 budget process as proposals move through the state legislature.

The Governor’s FY2017 Budget Proposal for MassHealth (Medicaid) and Health Reform Programs

This brief describes the governor's fiscal year (FY) 2017 budget proposal for MassHealth (Medicaid) and health reform programs. It is the first in a series of FY2017 budget briefs produced by the Massachusetts Medicaid Policy Institute (MMPI) in partnership with Health Management Associates. MMPI will be publishing budget briefs at several stages in the FY2017 budget cycle as proposals move through the state legislature.

MassHealth Matters II: Long-Term Services & Supports: Opportunities for MassHealth

This chart pack, prepared by Manatt Health Solutions, provides an examination of the current state of long-term services and supports (LTSS), an area identified as a priority for reform by MassHealth (Massachusetts Medicaid). MassHealth accounts for nearly half of all spending on LTSS, amounting to $4.5 billion annually, and equal to 12 percent of the state budget. Using previously unpublished LTSS data, the chart pack examines MassHealth LTSS spending and utilization, access and affordability, workforce capacity and quality.

A Primer on Medicaid Managed Care Capitation Rates: Understanding How MassHealth Pays MCOs

This primer, prepared by Ellen Breslin of Health Management Associates, includes an explanation of how state Medicaid programs generally pay their MCOs, the overall process for setting Medicaid managed care capitation rates and the various tools that states use to mitigate the risks that MCOs face when they assume financial responsibility for Medicaid members.

Comparison of the FY2016 House and Senate Budget Proposals for MassHealth and Health Reform Programs

This brief describes the Massachusetts Senate fiscal year (FY) 2016 budget proposal for MassHealth (Medicaid) and other subsidized health coverage programs and compares it to the proposal put forth by the House. It is the third in a series of FY2016 budget briefs produced by the Massachusetts Medicaid Policy Institute (MMPI) in partnership with Rob Buchanan and Tom Dehner of Health Management Associates. MMPI will be publishing budget briefs at several stages in the FY2016 budget process as proposals move through the state legislature.

House of Representatives FY2016 Budget Proposal for MassHealth (Medicaid) and Health Reform Programs

This brief describes the Massachusetts House of Representatives fiscal year (FY) 2016 budget proposal for MassHealth (Medicaid) and other subsidized health coverage programs. It is the second in a series of FY2016 budget briefs produced by the Massachusetts Medicaid Policy Institute (MMPI) in partnership with Rob Buchanan and Tom Dehner of Health Management Associates. MMPI will be publishing budget briefs at several stages in the FY2016 budget process as proposals move through the state legislature.

The Governor’s FY 2016 Budget Proposal for MassHealth (Medicaid) and Health Reform Programs

This brief describes the governor's fiscal year (FY) 2016 budget proposal for MassHealth (Medicaid) and other subsidized health coverage programs. It is the first in a series of FY 2016 budget briefs produced by the Massachusetts Medicaid Policy Institute (MMPI) in partnership with Rob Buchanan and Tom Dehner of Health Management Associates. MMPI will be publishing budget briefs at several stages in the FY2016 budget process as proposals move through the state legislature.

MassHealth and the Importance of Continued Federal Funding for CHIP

Unless Congress acts, federal funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) will run out soon after September 2015. On March 26, the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation that would fund CHIP for two more years. The Senate is expected to take up the bill in mid-April. This report, written by Robert Seifert of the Center for Health Law and Economics at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, examines the serious implications for Massachusetts if federal funding for CHIP is not extended.

Summary of the MassHealth 1115 Waiver

This report, written by Robert Seifert, Michael Grenier, and Jean Sullivan of the Center for Health Law and Economics at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, summarizes the history of the MassHealth 1115 waiver and examines the key components of the new waiver extension, organized around five themes: coverage, services, delivery redesign, support for the safety net, and looking to the

The Future of MassHealth: Five Priority Issues for the New Administration

Responsible for the health care coverage of nearly two million residents and $13.7 billion in related expenditures, the future of MassHealth matters to all of us. This report, by Manatt Health Solutions, includes a series of recommendations that emerged through interviews with consumer advocates, providers, insurers, business leaders, public officials, and policy experts as priorities for the next governor.

Understanding the Actual Cost of MassHealth to the State

This brief describes the "net" state cost of MassHealth (determined by subtracting the federal reimbursement and similar revenues from the budgeted total), providing a much clearer picture of the impact of MassHealth on the state budget than state budget totals alone. It is a supplement to a series of FY2015 budget briefs produced by MMPI in partnership with the Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center.