Section 101 (Part 2): Establish Health Connector

Establishes the Connector as an authority within the Executive Office of Administration and Finance. Establishes the governance of the Connector by the 10-member board, chaired by the Secretary of Administration and Finance. The board is made up of 4 state officials and 6 citizens.

Sections 97 to 100: Prohibit Insurance Premium Discrimination

Prevents insurance policies from excluding individuals based on age, occupation, health condition, claims experience, duration of coverage or medical condition. • Establishes a maximum waiting period on an individual to 4 months, with the exception of emergency services, for pre-existing conditions that were medically diagnosed or treated only if the individual has been without creditable coverage for more than 18 months before enrolling in the health plan. Late enrollees may not be excluded from a health plan for more than 12 months. • Pregnancy existing on the date of enrollment is not included as a preexisting condition.

Sections 93 & 94: Waiting Periods Allowed If Break In Coverage

Prevents insurance carriers from excluding an eligible individual or an eligible dependent, who applied for a health plan within 63 days of termination of prior creditable coverage, from a plan or impose a pre-existing condition exclusion or waiting period in any health plan if the individual meets the following criteria: the individual had 18 or more months of continuous credible coverage before applying, is not eligible for a group plan, and does not have other health insurance coverage. If an eligible individual does not meet the above-mentioned criteria, a carrier may subject the individual to a 6 month waiting period for pre-existing conditions with the exception of emergency services.

Section 90: Young Adult Plans Regulations

Establishes insurance plan coverage criteria for Young Adults to be set by Division of Insurance. Only individuals between 19 & 26 who do not have employer-sponsored coverage are eligible for these products. Only insurance carriers with 5,000 or more enrollees may offer Young Adult plans, and the plans must be offered through the Connector.

Section 89: Continuous Coverage Eligibility

Adds "eligible individuals" to those who do not qualify for "continuous coverage" under the state's mini-COBRA law due to the employer having only one or more than nineteen employees.