Community Advisory Boards: A Close Look at One Strategy for Engaging MassHealth Members in Program and Policy Decisions
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In light of increased efforts by MassHealth and other Medicaid agencies to engage with individuals who have lived experience with Medicaid and in order to improve health outcomes and advance equity, the Foundation commissioned two informative reports. The first report, Strategies for Meaningfully Engaging MassHealth Members to Inform Program and Policy Decisions, was released in June 2024 and made a series of recommendations to strengthen MassHealth’s overall member engagement strategy.
This second report takes a deeper look at one specific member engagement tool: Community Advisory Boards (CABs.) CABs are groups of people including current and former Medicaid members that engage in structured, consistent, and long-term dialogue to inform Medicaid program and policy design. MassHealth, managed care organizations, and Accountable Care Organizations already employ CABs to inform specific MassHealth programs, and MassHealth has announced its intention to create a program-wide CAB.
This report aims to identify promising practices for design and implementation of CABs in the context of MassHealth. Based on an environmental scan, stakeholder interviews, and conversations with MassHealth members themselves, this report outlines guiding principles or “north stars” for establishing a CAB. It also details practical recommendations for designing and operating effective CABs.