2012 Massachusetts Health Reform Survey
Affordability Gap Remains Despite Coverage Gains
This collection of reports and chart packs is the latest in a series by the Urban Institute analyzing the results of the Massachusetts Health Reform Survey (MHRS), which has been conducted since 2006. This round of the survey, which was fielded in the fall of 2012, was jointly funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation. These results provide both a means for continuing to monitor the efforts in Massachusetts to sustain the coverage gains achieved through the 2006 health reform law and an important new baseline against which to assess the impact of the state’s efforts to improve the affordability of care and reduce health care spending. Findings show that while coverage and access to care remain strong in Massachusetts, health care costs continue to be a burden for many individuals and families.
This year’s results are presented in a variety of publications including:
- a five page summary, including comparing Massachusetts to the nation
- a series of infographics focused on the following topics: coverage, changing patterns of care, medical debt;
- a policy brief analyzing the impact of health care costs in depth;
- a full report; and,
- a chart pack.
For those interested in learning more about the methodology of the survey, please see this report and this survey instrument tool.
The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation will be making the complete survey results for all six years of the survey available for public use through the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research.
Findings from the survey were featured at a Foundation event on March 26, 2014. See materials from the event located here.