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Affordability Gap Remains Despite Coverage Gains
The Innovators - Ciampa Creative Wins 2013 American Graphic Design Award
In May 2013, the Foundation published The Innovators: What the Innovation Fund for the Uninsured 2001-2010 Teaches Us about Delivering Better Health Care. The report profiled grantee organizations that were at the forefront of delivering higher-quality, more cost-effective care through a number of strategies including team-based care, case management, coordination of physical health and behavioral health care, and the use of community health workers.
The report was designed by Renessa Ciampa-Brewer, who won a 2013 American Graphic Design Award for her work with The Innovators.
Health Coverage Fellowship Chooses Class for 2014
The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation today announced that twelve medical journalists from across the nation have been selected for the 2014 class of the Health Coverage Fellowship.
The 2014 fellows are Elizabeth Aguilera of Southern California Public Radio (KPCC), Samantha Allen of The Sun in Lowell, MA, Amy Goldstein of the Washington Post, Anna Gorman of Kaiser Health News, Jeffrey Hess of Mississippi Public Broadcasting, Richard Holmes of the MetroWest Daily News in Framingham, MA, Lynn Jolicoeur of WBUR-Radio in Boston, Mary Meehan of the Lexington (KY) Herald-Leader, Brett Norman of Politico, Magaly Olivero of the Connecticut Health Investigative Team, Chelsea Rice of the Boston Globe, and Lindsay Tice of the Lewiston (ME) Sun Journal.
The fellowship is designed to help the media improve its coverage of critical health care issues. It does that by bringing in as speakers more than 75 health officials, practitioners, researchers, and patients. It also brings the journalists out to watch first-hand how the system works, from walking the streets at night with mental health case workers to riding a Medflight helicopter or spending a morning in a crowded emergency room.
The program, which is entering its thirteenth year, is sponsored by the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation, with support from the Blue Shield of California Foundation, Bower Foundation in Mississippi, Connecticut Health Foundation, Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky, Kaiser Family Foundation, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Maine Health Access Foundation, and the Universal Health Care Foundation of Connecticut.
The fellowship will run for nine days, beginning April 25. It is housed at Babson College’s Center for Executive Education in Wellesley, MA, and is operated in collaboration with leading journalism organizations. Larry Tye, who covered health and environmental issues at the Boston Globe for 15 years, directs the program. A former Nieman Fellow and author of six books, Tye has taught journalism at Boston University, Northeastern, Tufts, and Harvard.
Next spring’s fellowship will focus on a series of pressing medical issues – from implementing health care reform to curbing costs, addressing mental illness, and redressing public health threats. Attention also will be given to breakthroughs in medical treatments and innovations in the delivery of care.
The teaching will not end when fellows head back to their stations or papers. Tye, the program director, will be on call for the journalists for the full year following their nine days in Wellesley. He will help when they are stuck for ideas or whom to call on a story. He also will assist in thinking out projects and carving out clearer definitions of beats.
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Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation Awards $1.3 Million in Grants to Break Down Barriers Faced by Health Consumers
The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation has awarded $1.3 million in grants to 26 community organizations across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts whose missions are dedicated to promoting accessible and affordable health care for vulnerable and low-income residents. The grants range from $40,000 to $75,000 per year for two years.
"With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) underway, the Foundation’s support of organizations on the front lines is more important than ever,” said Audrey Shelto, President. “These organizations all have a clear strategy to impact access or affordability, a history of collaboration with other groups on important issues such as the state’s dual eligibles initiative, Chapter 224, and strong track records in consumer engagement and support. We are pleased to renew many of our prior grantees and welcome the Codman Square Health Center, Community Action of the Franklin, Hampshire and North Quabbin Regions, Community Health Programs, Inc. and the Fishing Partnership Health Plan to the cohort.”
The grants were made in two of the Foundation’s program areas, Connecting Consumers with Care and Strengthening the Voice for Access, both of which were implemented in 2001 when the Foundation first began its grant making efforts.
Connecting Consumers with Care provides up to two years of programmatic support to organizations that are engaged in comprehensive outreach and enrollment services, an enhanced approach to educating consumers on effective navigation of the health care system, and strategic collaboration with the advocacy community to identify and address barriers that prevent consumers from easily accessing coverage and care.
Strengthening the Voice for Access provides up to two years of core operating support to organizations that are strengthening community-based policy activities, increasing citizen participation in public policy development, and promoting collaboration among statewide policy and advocacy organizations on coverage and affordability.
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About the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation
The mission of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation is to expand access to health care. It focuses on collaborating with public and private stakeholders to develop measurable and sustainable solutions that benefit uninsured, vulnerable, and low-income individuals and families in the Commonwealth. The Foundation was established in 2001 with an endowment from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts. It operates separately from the company and is governed by its own Board of Directors.
BCBSMA Foundation 2013 Grants – Connecting Consumers with Care & Strengthening the Voice for Access
Connecting Consumers with Care:
Boston Public Health Commission
Brockton Neighborhood Health Center
Codman Square Health Center
Community Action Committee of Cape Cod and Islands
Community Action of the Franklin, Hampshire, & North Quabbin Regions
Community Health Center of Franklin County
Community Health Connections
Community Health Programs
County of Dukes County/Vineyard Health Care Access Program
Ecu-Health Care
Family Health Center of Worcester
Fishing Partnership Health Plan
Hilltown Community Health Centers
Joint Committee for Children’s Health Care in Everett
Lynn Community Health Center
Whittier Street Health Center
Connecting Consumers with Care Funding Total: $640,000
Strengthening the Voice for Access:
Boston Center for Independent Living (BCIL)
Disability Policy Consortium, Inc. (DPC)
Greater Boston Interfaith Organization (GBIO)
Health Care for All (HCFA)
Health Law Advocates (HLA)
Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA)
Massachusetts Law Reform Institute (MLRI)
Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers
Massachusetts Public Health Association (MPHA)
Massachusetts Senior Action Council
Strengthening the Voice for Access Funding Total: $695,000
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation Announces Policy & Research Appointment
The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation has appointed Kaitlyn Kenney Walsh as Director of Policy & Research. Ms. Kenney Walsh will be responsible for managing the Foundation’s policy work related to affordability, which includes in-depth research on public and private efforts to contain health care costs, monitoring the implementation of the national Affordable Care Act as well as Massachusetts health reform, and the movement to find more efficient and effective ways to expand access and meet the complex health care needs of low-income, vulnerable populations.
Since 2007, Kenney Walsh has been at the Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority, most recently as Director of Policy and Research and Coordinator of National Health Care Reform. As a member of the senior management team, she had responsibility for developing and implementing strategy and long term planning for the Health Connector. A significant part of her role was in identifying the implications of national health care reform for the Commonwealth and its residents. “Kaitlyn possesses an exceptional blend of expertise in healthcare policy analysis and development, a deep knowledge of the healthcare industry, including financing, access, and delivery systems as well as awareness of the specific issues facing our Commonwealth,” said Audrey Shelto, President of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation. “Her expertise will help ensure that the Foundation’s research is designed to gain community-wide support for innovative and lasting solutions.”
Kenney Walsh joins Celeste Lee, Kate Nordahl and Jessica Larochelle as members of the Foundation’s leadership team. Lee oversees all of the Foundation's grant programs. In 2012, the Foundation awarded grants totaling over $3.5 million to community organizations across Massachusetts. Nordahl is director of the Massachusetts Medicaid Policy Institute, a Foundation program devoted to broadening public understanding of MassHealth, the public insurance program that includes both Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Larochelle directs the evaluation of grants and identifies trends to inform the Foundation’s work.
About the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation
The mission of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation is to expand access to health care. It focuses on collaborating with public and private stakeholders to develop measurable and sustainable solutions that benefit uninsured, vulnerable, and low-income individuals and families in the Commonwealth. The Foundation was established in 2001 with an endowment from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts. It operates separately from the company and is governed by its own Board of Directors.
Media Inquiries
The Foundation will make every effort to respond to requests for interviews and information in advance of deadlines.
Maia BrodyField - Administration and Strategic Initiatives Officer
Phone: 617-246-3816
Email: [email protected]
General Information: [email protected]