2013-2015 Connecting Consumers with Care Grant Area Evaluation

Since 2001, the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation (the Foundation) has supported community-based organizations, federally qualified health centers, and public agencies through its Connecting Consumers with Care grant program. During the October 2013 through September 2015 grant cycle, 16 organizations across Massachusetts received awards to help low-income and vulnerable consumers enroll in and maintain access to publicly subsidized health insurance coverage, and to help consumers navigate systems of coverage and care with increasing independence. This period coincided with the state’s implementation of key components of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA).

This report includes findings from the evaluation of the 2013-2015 Connecting Consumers with Care grant program. The goals of the evaluation were to 1) assess progress made on select outreach and enrollment measures, 2) describe the practices grantees adopted to reach and enroll consumers in health insurance, and 3) characterize efforts and challenges in defining, promoting, and evaluating consumer self-sufficiency. 


2011-2013 Connecting Consumers with Care Grant Area Evaluation

This report includes findings from the evaluation of the 2011-2013 Connecting Consumers with Care grant program. The goals of the evaluation were to 1) assess progress made across grantee sites on select outreach and enrollment measures; 2) describe the practices grantees adopted to reach out to and enroll consumers in insurance, advance consumer self-sufficiency, and collaborate with other agencies; and 3) characterize the barriers experienced by grantees. 

For a one-page infographic of the 2011-2013 evaluation report, click here.


Investing in Consumer Health Advocacy through Operating Support, Strengthening the Voice for Access: 2011-2013

This report demonstrates how a general-operating-funds approach to grantmaking can forge stronger and more effective partnerships between the philanthropy and consumer health advocacy communities. It includes examples of the positive impact this approach has had on access to health care in Massachusetts and highlights some of the activities and achievements of 2011-2013 Strengthening the Voice for Access grantee organizations.

Business Community Participation in Health Reform: The Massachusetts Experience

This report funded in part by the Foundation explains how and why Massachusetts business leaders became involved in health reform and the difference their engagement has made and presents the perspectives of individual entrepreneurs, business owners and executives on how Massachusetts health reform has affected their companies, their employees and the overall business climate in Massachusetts.

Building an Effective Health Insurance Exchange Website

The first in the Health Reform Toolkit Series, this toolkit offers resources to help states plan, build, and implement health insurance exchange websites. The series is designed to share examples, templates, experiences, and lessons learned from Massachusetts implementation with other states working on the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Each toolkit includes a written narrative "guide"" as well as a variety of primary source documents: organizational structures

Lessons from the Implementation of Massachusetts Health Reform

Massachusetts groundbreaking 2006 health reform law served as a model in many respects for the insurance coverage provisions of the 2010 federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. This report by Alan G. Raymond and funded by the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation presents an overview of key lessons from Massachusetts that could be relevant to stakeholders working to implement health reform in other states and nationally. Key lessons include: ongoing stakeholder engagement in health reform facilitates implementation and helps overcome inevitable obstacles; and close coordination between Medicaid and new public insurance programs is needed to maximize enrollment and retention while also reducing redundancy and administrative costs.

Health Reform: Lessons from the Massachusetts Experience

This report summarizes the impact of health reform thus far and may be used as a point of reference for policy makers who are considering approaches to health reform elsewhere at either the state or national level. If the Massachusetts model continues to work, all or part of this model and its supporting principles may be useful in local or national health reform efforts.