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Philanthropy and Health Reform, 1982-2008

Community Catalyst report on the role that foundations and other philanthropic organizations played during more than two decades of health care reform efforts in Massachusetts. (January 2009)

Health Reform: Lessons from the Massachusetts Experience

This report summarizes the impact of health reform thus far and may be used as a point of reference for policy makers who are considering approaches to health reform elsewhere at either the state or national level. If the Massachusetts model continues to work, all or part of this model and its supporting principles may be useful in local or national health reform efforts.

House Speaker Sal DiMasi (18:51)

Then-House Speaker Sal DiMasi delivers his keynote speech at the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation's annual summit.

Video for Foundation Summit

This video features three people who received health insurance coverage under the state's health care reform law. It was screened at the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation's 2008 annual summit.

Sen. Pres. Therese Murray (8:52)

Senate President Therese Murray delivers her keynote speech at the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation's annual summit.

Gov. Deval Patrick (8:49)

Governor Deval Patrick delivers his keynote speech at the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation's annual summit.

Implementing the Rosie D. Remedy: The Opportunities and Challenges of Restructuring a System of Care for Children's Mental Health in Massachusetts

The district court ruling in Rosie D. v. Romney, and the subsequent remedy now being implemented by state health and human service agencies, have the potential to transform the delivery of mental health services for children with serious emotional disturbances in Massachusetts. This issue brief explores the implications and potential effects of the case and the resulting remedy on the MassHealth program, other state programs, the behavioral health and social service delivery systems, and affected children and their families.