Emerging Federal Policy and Potential Implications for Subsidized Health Insurance Programs in Massachusetts
Emerging Federal Policy and Potential Implications for Subsidized Health Insurance Programs in Massachusetts

Emerging Federal Policy and Potential Implications for Subsidized Health Insurance Programs in Massachusetts

Published: March 20, 2025

This chart pack describes the potential threats to subsidized health insurance coverage and financing in Massachusetts under the new federal administration. The goals of this chart pack are to:

  • Provide a high-level overview of MassHealth, the Health Connector, and publicly subsidized health insurance programs in Massachusetts that could be impacted by federal policy changes.
  • Describe the potential changes in federal financing and policy related to Medicaid and subsidized Affordable Care Act Marketplace coverage programs that are likely being considered by the new federal administration.
  • Provide estimates of the potential impacts of these changes (in terms of dollars or lives) for MassHealth and Massachusetts ConnectorCare programs.
  • Identify, to the extent possible, the timing, political hurdles, and implementation vehicles for these potential changes.

On March 20, 2025, the Foundation hosted a webinar that featured a presentation of the chart pack’s content by its authors from Manatt Health. Click here to view a recording of this webinar.