Barriers to Behavioral and Physical Health Integration in Massachusetts
Barriers to Behavioral and Physical Health Integration in Massachusetts

Barriers to Behavioral and Physical Health Integration in Massachusetts

Published: June 11, 2015

This report, prepared by Margaret Houy and Michael Bailit of Bailit Health Purchasing, LLC, provides a comprehensive review of the policy and regulatory barriers that impede behavioral health integration in Massachusetts and identifies potential options for addressing these barriers. This report is divided into three sections – licensing, privacy, and, reimbursement barriers – and was developed through a review of reports and other secondary sources, agency regulations and checklists, and interviews and a focus group with key stakeholders. Incorporating the input from the focus group, it concludes with a discussion of the top three priorities that, if addressed, would have the most significant impact on removing barriers to integration. This report is intended to serve as a resource summarizing key issues and potential opportunities for policymakers to improve the integration of physical and behavioral health care services.