Critical Resources for Community Health: The State of Hospital Community Benefit in Massachusetts

Critical Resources for Community Health: The State of Hospital Community Benefit in Massachusetts

When: October 26, 2016
4:30 to 7:30am

The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation and Community Catalyst hosted an important discussion about hospital community benefit in Massachusetts. In Fiscal Year 2015, Massachusetts hospitals reported to the Attorney General’s office approximately $570 million in aggregate community benefit expenditures, a significant investment in the health of communities across the Commonwealth. Many hospitals also make contributions through the Massachusetts Department of Health’s Determination of Need program and municipal Payment In Lieu of Tax programs.

A report featuring an analysis of hospital community benefit activities in Massachusetts that examines how hospitals have been fulfilling their community obligations and offers recommendations for ensuring those hospital resources have the desired impact on community health was presented by authors Paul Hattis of Tufts University School of Medicine and community health advocate Enid Eckstein followed by a panel discussion with community and health care leaders who shared their perspective on the report’s data and recommendations.