How To Apply


Verify Organizational 


Review Grant Program


Visit Portal to Apply

STEP 1: Verify Organizational Eligibility

The Foundation funds nonprofit organizations incorporated in Massachusetts that primarily serve people who have been socially, economically, culturally, or racially marginalized.

  • It is the policy of the Foundation to only make grants to organizations described in Section 509(a)(1), (2) or (3) (i.e. 501c3 or public charities) or Section 170(c)(1) or 511(a)(2)(B) (governmental entities).
  • If an organization does not have its own tax-exempt designation, it must provide proof of tax-exempt designation for a fiscal agent.
  • The Foundation does not accept applications from religious institutions, for-profit institutions, or individuals.
  • The Foundation does not fund proposals to support direct clinical care, long-term care, hospice, and palliative care, and initiatives focused solely on the care of a particular disease or medical condition.

STEP 2: Review Grant Program Eligibility

Each grant program has specific guidelines and may also have additional eligibility criteria. 

  • These guidelines outline organizational requirements, project goals, timelines and deadlines, and expected award amounts, among other details required to submit an application.
  • All interested applicants should view the grants programs for more details and whether programs are currently accepting proposals.

STEP 3: Visit Portal to Apply

  • All proposals must be submitted through our online grantmaking portal.
  • Please register and familiarize yourself with the portal before the application deadline to provide enough time to complete the process.

If you have any technical difficulty with the portal, please contact us at

Frequently Asked Questions