The Honorable Richard T. Moore

The Honorable Richard T. Moore

Senate Chair, Massachusetts Joint Committee on Health Care Financing

Massachusetts State Senator Richard T. Moore is presently serving his eighth term representing the Worcester and Norfolk District. He is the Senate Chairman of the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing and was among the principal architects of the landmark Massachusetts health care reform law that has resulted in near-universal access to health care. Senator Moore also led the successful effort, with Senate President Therese Murray, to pass comprehensive legislation to improve the quality of health care and contain health costs. Most recently, he was the Senate’s author and lead negotiator of the landmark payment reform law.On the national level, Senator Moore recently served as President of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) and has served as co-chair of the NCSL Foundation’s project on Transforming Health Care through Technology. He was an active member of the National Governors’ Association’s Steering Committee for State eHealth Alliance and played a key role in establishing the National Advisory Committee for the State Health Reform Project of the Brookings Institution’s Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform.