Supporting Health Coverage Enrollment Efforts
The Supporting Health Coverage Enrollment Efforts grant program will provide a limited number of grants in the amount of up to $60,000 a year for each of two years.
Massachusetts has a state network of Navigator and Certified Application Counselor designated organizations that are supported through various resources to bolster statewide enrollment capacity at this critical time. The Foundation’s goal is to support enrollment work that supplements these various efforts to meet the needs of residents.
The Supporting Health Coverage Enrollment Efforts grant program is focused on expanding Certified Application Counselor (CAC) capacity in the Commonwealth to support MassHealth members who will need to re-determine their health coverage as the state unwinds the pandemic-era continuous coverage requirements and to assist those who are uninsured secure health insurance coverage.
The BCBSMA Foundation grant program is open to community-based organizations that want to increase the number of CACs on staff and to organizations that currently don’t offer enrollment assistance but would like to become CAC organizations. Each funded organization will provide health insurance enrollment assistance and community outreach about the importance of securing and maintaining health coverage.
The priority geographic areas for this program are the Cape and Islands, Northern Berkshire County, Hampden County, Middlesex County, Suffolk County and Norfolk County.
A small number of grants may be awarded to Navigator organizations serving priority communities to expand their enrollment capacity.