Grant Partners

Citizens' Housing and Planning Association

Year: 2017
Boston, MA
Program Area: Social Equity and Health

Citizens' Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA) is the leading statewide housing policy and research organization in Massachusetts, and manages the On Solid Ground (OSG) Coalition, which includes organizations in housing, health, education, employment, legal services, and faith-based communities advocating for increased housing and economic stability for families, thereby improving housing, education, income and health outcomes.  CHAPA will conduct outreach and education to affect policy and systemic change at the intersection of health and housing. 

The Boston Foundation's Health Starts at Home Initiative

Year: 2017
Boston, MA
Program Area: Social Equity and Health

The Health Starts at Home Initiative supports four partnerships that bring together housing and health care organizations to support work that demonstrates the positive effects of stable, affordable housing to children's health outcomes, identify promising new and existing models for collaboration that can be brought to scale, decrease health care costs, and decrease costs related to homelessness.  Families eligible for participation have children under the age of 12, and are experiencing housing instability.  The evaluation partners for Health Starts at Home, Health Resources in Action and the Urban Institute, are conducting both outcome and process evaluations to measure whether and how improved housing stability affects the health of children, as well as to document successes and challenges, and develop best practices for creating these types of health care and housing partnerships. 

The Community Builders

Year: 2017
Boston, MA
Program Area: Social Equity and Health

The Community Builders (TCB) is a nonprofit real estate developer and owner, with a mission of building and sustaining strong communities where people of all incomes can achieve their full potential.  The organization develops housing for families and seniors, invests in local businesses and public amenities that strengthen neighborhoods, and constructs or preserves hundreds of affordable and mixed-income housing developments.  TCB will commission Health Resources in Action to develop and conduct an evaluation for its Community Life program, specifically for low-income residents housed in the New Franklin Homes development in Dorchester.  Community Life is a program that addresses important social determinants of health like housing stability, early childhood education, access to healthy food, and economic stability to improve the health of residents.  Residents facce a multitude of chronic health issues, including high blood pressure and diabetes, and over half of residents report not managing their conditions.  The process will enable TCB to develop clear metrics and evidence-based strategies to improve health outcomes among its residents. 

Public Health Institute of Western Massachusetts

Year: 2017
Springfield, MA
Program Area: Social Equity and Health

Public Health Institute of Western Massachusetts (PHIWM) provides research and assessment, coalition-building and facilitation, and program and health policy development, with the goal of strengthening social needs, housing and health equity, specifically for low-income neighborhoods and communities of color. PHIWM will work with the region’s social and behavioral health service sectors to understand their needs and implement capacity-building strategies to respond to anticipated Accountable Care Organization patient referrals and clinical linkage programs.  Social service, housing, and behavioral health leaders seek PHIWM’s support in understanding how they can create partnerships that will enable social determinants of health to be addressed in health care settings.  

Conference of Boston Teaching Hospitals

Year: 2017
Boston, MA
Program Area: Social Equity and Health

Conference of Boston Teach Hospitals (COBTH) will hire a consultant to develop and facilitate a planning process that will establish the Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) and Community Health Implementation Plans (CHIP) Collaborative and provide recommendations that are represented by key city stakeholders and community members, and aloow them to highlight the social and economic factors impacting the City of Boston and its neighborhoods.  This planning process follows an agreement by COBTH hospitals to collaborate on primary data collection that is shared among member hospitals of COBTH for their respective CHNAs.  In 2018, COBTH intends to conduct a single CHNA and develop a joint CHIP for all of the city in partnership with the Boston Public Health Commission and other key community stakeholders.