Grant Partners

Casa Latina 2011

Year: 2011
Program Area: Health Care Disparities

Whittier Street Health Center 2012

Year: 2011 *Multi-year Grant: 2012

Whittier Street Health Center will provide enrollment and redetermination assistance through 'Virtual Enrollment Sites' and make referrals to services at Whittier and partner organizations. A yearly redetermination education campaign will include educational workshops and fliers/brochures based on MassHealth's guidelines.

Boston Center for Independent Living 2012

Year: 2011 *Multi-year Grant: 2012

The Boston Center for Independent Living (BCIL) will support advocacy on behalf of those living with disabilities.  BCIL is a frontline civil rights organization led by people with disabilities that advocates for supports and services that enhance the independence of people with disabilities.

Disability Policy Consortium 2012

Year: 2011 *Multi-year Grant: 2012

The Disability Policy Consortium (DPC) will unify the voice of disability groups as a leader in the Disability Advocates Advancing our Healthcare Rights (DAAHR) coalition, and focus the work of that coalition on the “dual eligibles” initiative, an effort to improve services for those dually eligible for Medicaid and Medicare. DPC will also address barriers to access such as underinsurance and advocate for the needs of those with disabilities who do not meet the federal definition of disabled.

Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition 2012

Year: 2011 *Multi-year Grant: 2012

The Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition will develop its organizing framework by engaging a statewide coalition to monitor the continued implementation of health reform and its effect on immigrant communities. The program will promote positive policy change for greater immigrant access to affordable health care and educate communities to advocate for access to health care coverage including defense of the Health Safety Net.