Grant Partners
Mercy Medical Center
Mercy Medical Center’s Health Care for the Homeless program (Mercy HCH) will collaborate with hospital emergency departments in Hampden, Hampshire, and Franklin counties to “re-direct” homeless persons who are “high-end utilizers” of emergency department services to access health care services through Mercy HCH’s clinical team. Mercy knows the area’s homeless well and has documented cases where individuals are going to emergency rooms more than 20 times per month. Mercy HCH staff will work with these homeless individuals to obtain stable housing and resolve chronic conditions such as substance abuse and mental health issues. Over the three-year grant period, the five participating hospital emergency departments will “re-direct” 120 homeless individuals to more appropriate care through the program.
Boston Public Health Commission 2012
The Boston Public Health Commission will use funds to train staff of city agencies and consumers on how to navigate the health care system and a newly launched web-centric resource database will be developed to help locate referral organizations. Customized 'My Health Portfolios' will educate consumers on facts to consider when obtaining health care.
Community Health Center of Franklin County 2012
Community Health Center of Franklin County will provide a comprehensive continuum of services including community outreach, enrollment and eligibility assistance, transportation assistance, Spanish interpretation, case management, and care coordination. The health center will target residents affected by significant social and geographic barriers to care, as well as new immigrants, migrant workers, and non-English speakers.
Family Health Center of Worcester 2012
Family Health Center of Worcester will initiate the Consumer Self-Sufficiency Program to improve access to health care and insurance coverage for low-income individuals and families, and increase patient self-sufficiency in navigating the health care system and obtaining the appropriate level of preventive and acute health care.
Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers
Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers will serve as a key resource to its membership as cost containment and payment reform continue to reshape the health care environment. The League will conduct a multi-tiered advocacy strategy on a statewide level, including analyzing and disseminating policy information, engaging its members on key issues, and collaborating with other organizations and coalitions that share community health and primary health care goals.