Grant Partners
Massachusetts Association of Community Health Workers 2012
The Massachusetts Association of Community Health Workers (MACHW) will strengthen the professional identity, foster leadership, and promote the integration of community health workers (CHWs) into the health care, public health, and human services workforce. MACHW will continue to organize and empower CHWs to participate in policy and advocacy, conduct direct advocacy to ensure that CHWs are integrated into guidelines for medical homes and accountable care organizations, and will participate in advocacy coalitions and campaigns focused on health care access and payment reform.
Health Care For All 2012
Health Care For All (HCFA) will build a movement of empowered people and organizations to create a health care system that is responsive to the needs of all, especially the most vulnerable. HCFA will continue its advocacy in pursuit of three key objectives: ensuring maximum enrollment in existing coverage programs, preserving and strengthening public program eligibility, and identifying and representing consumer needs within delivery system reforms.
Community Health Connections 2012
Community Health Connections will provide street outreach and one-on-one application and enrollment assistance to homeless or high risk children and adults, as well as members of the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking communities.
Lynn Community Health Center 2012
Lynn Community Health Center will initiate the Keep Your Care Project, a pilot study that will test the effectiveness of text messaging as an alternative to postcard and letter reminders. Those reminders are sent via the mail to remind patients to complete their annual redetermination application and submit demographic information changes to maintain their coverage.
Greater Boston Interfaith Organization 2012
The Greater Boston Interfaith Organization will develop and implement a strategic advocacy agenda focused on health care cost containment. The goals of this effort will be to slow the growth of health care costs and to engage consumer participation in all levels of the cost and quality debate.