Grant Partners

Community Health Center of Franklin County 2012

Year: 2012 *Multi-year Grant: 2011
Turners Falls

Community Health Center of Franklin County will provide a comprehensive continuum of services including community outreach, enrollment and eligibility assistance, transportation assistance, Spanish interpretation, case management, and care coordination. The health center will target residents affected by significant social and geographic barriers to care, as well as new immigrants, migrant workers, and non-English speakers.

Family Health Center of Worcester 2012

Year: 2012 *Multi-year Grant: 2011

Family Health Center of Worcester will initiate the Consumer Self-Sufficiency Program to improve access to health care and insurance coverage for low-income individuals and families, and increase patient self-sufficiency in navigating the health care system and obtaining the appropriate level of preventive and acute health care.

Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers

Year: 2012 *Multi-year Grant: 2011

Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers will serve as a key resource to its membership as cost containment and payment reform continue to reshape the health care environment. The League will conduct a multi-tiered advocacy strategy on a statewide level, including analyzing and disseminating policy information, engaging its members on key issues, and collaborating with other organizations and coalitions that share community health and primary health care goals.

Caring Health Center 2012

Year: 2012 *Multi-year Grant: 2011

Caring Health Center will target refugees, immigrants, and other linguistic and cultural minority groups who face barriers to enrollment and health care navigation. The health center provides comprehensive primary medical care and dental services to residents in the medically underserved city of Springfield and its surrounding areas.

Holyoke Health Center

Year: 2012 *Multi-year Grant: 2011, 2013

Holyoke Health Center will serve 300 patients at high-risk for preventable hospitalization, re-hospitalization, unnecessary emergency department visits, or adverse drug events due to diabetes. The project will begin with identifying patients with diabetes with an unnecessary emergency room visit and recent hospitalization at Holyoke Medical Center, or eight or more prescriptions for diabetes.  A partnership with the Massachusetts Medicaid program will identify high-cost patients and work to understand how to predict which are amenable to disease management programs, leading to more effective, lower-cost services.