Grant Partners
Boston Medical Center
Boston Medical Center (BMC) will integrate a depression-screning tool into the Re-Engineered Discharge (RED) protocol, an 11-step process for reducing the risk of patients being readmitted to the hospital. Results have shown that patients who receive RED are 30% less likely to be readmitted within 30 days of discharge. Because further research has shown that patients with symptoms of depression are 74% more likely than those without to be readmitted in this same 30-day window, RED-Plus, as the enhanced intervention will be known, will be piloted on BMC's inpatient services for Boston Medical Center HealthNet patients, whose primary care providers are located in the 15 community health centers affiliated with BMC.
Ecu-Health Care 2012
Ecu-Health Care will provide public health outreach, application assistance, and support for accessing primary care providers. One-on-one training will educate clients on the individual mandate, minimum creditable coverage policies, and affordability regulations.
Massachusetts Law Reform Institute 2012
The Massachusetts Law Reform Institute will advocate on the following key issues: ensuring affordable and accessible health care for vulnerable populations, improving the administration of public coverage programs, ensuring Affordable Care Act implementation benefits low-income and vulnerable populations, protecting the rights and enhancing services for those dually eligible for Medicaid and Medicare. The program will ensure elders have access to services to prevent or delay institutionalization and that consumers have a voice in health care reform.
Hilltown Community Health Centers 2012
Hilltown Community Health Centers will assist clients to access and maintain health insurance coverage, aiding them in learning how to stay enrolled in the public programs for which they are eligible. The program will also connect clients with a primary care physician and address prescription costs.
Brockton Neighborhood Health Center
Brockton Neighborhood Health Center (BNHC) will target high risk patients, defined as those having had two or more emergency department visits and/or psychiatric hospitalizations within six months, and/or patients presenting to the urgent care department two or more times within six months without consistent follow-up with a primary care provider. BNHC’s Primary Care Behavioral Health Model aims to increase patient access to behavioral health services, enhance coordination between primary care and behavioral health, and improve health outcomes. Partners include Good Samaritan Medical Center and Brockton Hospital, inpatient psychiatric units, community mental health clinics, and insurance companies.