Grant Partners
Community Health Connections
Community Health Connections will conduct intensive street and shelter outreach to individuals who are homeless, providing eligibility determinations and application assistance. They will hold “office hours” at local organizations to answer questions regarding programs, eligibility requirements, and sources of care in the community. A “Community Collaborations” group consisting of health and human services organizations will be convened, serving the region’s homeless, to share information about the Affordable Care Act.
Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands
Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands will continue individualized “Access to Care – Navigating the Massachusetts Health Care System” educational sessions for consumers, and design a training guide identifying MassHealth mailings and navigating the complex health care system. They will conduct a series of outreach events to educate the public on changes through the Affordable Care Act.
Tufts Medical Center
In their project titled “Best Opportunities for Improving Massachusetts Health within Budget Constraints,” the research team will use published cost effectiveness research and Massachusetts-specific data on current health care use to identify opportunities to reduce the use of overused low-value care and increase the use of underused high-value care. Their simulation model will allow health care leaders to estimate total cost savings and health gains that could be achieved by reallocating resources from inefficient to efficient interventions.
Joint Committee for Children's Health Care in Everett
The Joint Committee for Children’s Health Care in Everett will provide application assistance and referral support, and conduct a multimedia publicity campaign to reach consumers about the Affordable Care Act. Additional education will be provided through a multilingual helpline, website, and newsletter. A series of educational sessions will be conducted at local community organizations on navigating the health system and using the Health Information Exchange.
Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition
Through its Health Access Campaign, the Massachusetts Immigrant Refugee & Advocacy Coalition will advocate for all immigrants to maintain current coverage or obtain benefits under the Affordable Care Act. It will translate and share information on health coverage options available through the federal law to educate members, policymakers, and community-based organizations that serve immigrant stakeholders.