Grant Partners

County of Dukes County

Year: 2014 *Multi-year Grant: 2013
West Tisbury

County of Dukes County will provide enrollment assistance at local community organizations to assist consumers in setting up Health Information Exchange accounts, completing applications, checking statuses and making updates.  They will also develop and disseminate information on the Affordable Care Act, with a focus on immigrants and tribal members.  Finally, social media, paid and free media will be used to reach members of the general public on health coverage options.  

Whittier Street Health Center

Year: 2014 *Multi-year Grant: 2013

Whittier Street Health Center will provide eligibility assistance and coordinate care for patients, making referrals within the health center, with other health care providers, and community partners.  They will continue to foster the Building Vibrant Communities program to employ housing development residents as community health workers to assist consumers with their health and social needs.  Community health workers will be trained in patient navigation to equip consumers in connecting with primary care and other social and health services.  

Boston Public Health Commission

Year: 2014 *Multi-year Grant: 2013

Boston Public Health Commission will assist consumers in enrolling in and selecting health plans, as well as retaining coverage.  They will develop quick-guides on the new marketplace application and renewal processes, and disseminate “Health Portfolios” to consumers to track health coverage, primary care providers, and Affordable Care Act information.  “Roving Navigators” will promote access to health coverage at barbershops, auto body shops, and nail salons.

Family Health Center of Worcester

Year: 2014 *Multi-year Grant: 2013

Family Health Center of Worcester will assist uninsured individuals to enroll in and maintain coverage, and connect to a primary care medical home.  They will continue weekly New Patient Orientation/Education Sessions, and expand the use of “I Speak” cards that detail useful information on the health center for patients.  Finally, they will provide individualized education and install computer kiosks for patients to use.

Massachusetts Law Reform Institute

Year: 2014 *Multi-year Grant: 2013

The Massachusetts Law Reform Institute will continue its advocacy with MassHealth and the Connector around issues of eligibility, auto-assignment of health coverage, income determinations, and the availability of resources for assisters from community-based organizations.  Additionally, it will continue its work with the Disability Advocates Advancing our Health Care Rights (DAAHR) Coalition on the One Care demonstration for dual-eligible individuals.