Grant Partners

Joint Committee for Children's Health Care in Everett

Year: 2014 *Multi-year Grant: 2013

The Joint Committee for Children’s Health Care in Everett will provide application assistance and referral support, and conduct a multimedia publicity campaign to reach consumers about the Affordable Care Act.  Additional education will be provided through a multilingual helpline, website, and newsletter.  A series of educational sessions will be conducted at local community organizations on navigating the health system and using the Health Information Exchange.  

Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition

Year: 2014 *Multi-year Grant: 2013

Through its Health Access Campaign, the Massachusetts Immigrant Refugee & Advocacy Coalition will advocate for all immigrants to maintain current coverage or obtain benefits under the Affordable Care Act.  It will translate and share information on health coverage options available through the federal law to educate members, policymakers, and community-based organizations that serve immigrant stakeholders.  

Hilltown Community Health Centers

Year: 2014 *Multi-year Grant: 2013

Hilltown Community Health Centers will assist with applications and annual eligibility reviews and connect patients with primary care providers.  They will provide monthly public education sessions on health coverage options for consumers, and adapt their electronic medical record to establish a referral system across departments.  Educational materials will be developed on the changes in the health insurance marketplace.  Finally, they will work with small businesses in the community that may be eligible for health care tax credits through the marketplace. 

University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS)

Year: 2014

Project Directors: Robin Clark, PhD, Director of Research and Evaluation (Principal Investigator) and Deborah Gurewich, PhD, Associate Director of Research and Evaluation“Identification of Effective Community-Based Models for Coordinating Care for Persons with Substance Use Disorders” will analyze community-based approaches for coordinating care for patients with substance use disorders (SUD) and identify those models that appear most effective in accomplishing care coordination. Through their work, which will be based on assessing different care coordination models employed at three sites serving the Worcester area, the team will provide insight into the relative efficacy of different community-based approaches for engaging and coordinating services for patients with SUDs. Efficacy will measured based on a comparison of selected cost and quality metrics as well as self-reported patient experience.   

Boston Center for Independent Living

Year: 2014 *Multi-year Grant: 2013

Boston Center for Independent Living will continue to co-lead the Disability Advocates Advancing our Healthcare Rights (DAAHR) Coalition with the Disability Policy Consortium.  The organization will educate policymakers and legislative leaders, maintain and strengthen DAAHR, organize the disability community, develop organizational technical expertise, and provide policy analysis and input to the field, particularly related to the Duals Demonstration Project, known as One Care.