Grant Partners

Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers

Year: 2014 *Multi-year Grant: 2013

The League will continue monitoring changes in the health care environment, sharing information with health centers, coalition partners, and state entities.  The organization will engage community health center board members to foster active advocacy and policy work to advance adult dental coverage, grow health center pharmacy programs, support the certification of community health workers, and improve health care for homeless people, veterans, and individuals recently released from correctional institutions.

Lynn Community Health Center

Year: 2014 *Multi-year Grant: 2013

Lynn Community Health Center will provide enrollment assistance and conduct monthly outreach activities at local health fairs and cultural events.  They will collaborate with health and human service providers to provide off-site outreach and enrollment services.  Monthly education sessions will be conducted on health coverage options using a Patient Navigation Guide.  

Community Action of the Franklin, Hampshire and North Quabbin Regions

Year: 2014 *Multi-year Grant: 2013

Community Action of the Franklin, Hampshire and North Quabbin Regions will assist eligible consumers with applications, offer education about health access services over the phone, and provide financial assistance assessments.  Referral linkages with area providers will also be enhanced.  

Massachusetts Public Health Association

Year: 2014 *Multi-year Grant: 2013

Massachusetts Public Health Association (MPHA) will focus on community health integration and improving the built environment. MPHA will work with the Alliance for Community Health Integration to ensure that social determinants of health are adequately addressed, in particular through community investments, support for ACOs from MassHealth, and health care institutions’ internal policies.

Massachusetts Senior Action Council

Year: 2014 *Multi-year Grant: 2013

Massachusetts Senior Action Council will advocate for health care access for the over 65 population.  It will advocate for its constituents around growing out-of-pocket costs and affordability, expanding access to community-based long-term care by eliminating disparities in eligibility for personal care attendant services, and ensuring adequate funding for home care.  Finally, the organization will increase awareness of and streamline enrollment for existing senior health care programs.