Grant Partners

Boston Public Health Commission

Year: 2014 *Multi-year Grant: 2013

Boston Public Health Commission will assist consumers in enrolling in and selecting health plans, as well as retaining coverage.  They will develop quick-guides on the new marketplace application and renewal processes, and disseminate “Health Portfolios” to consumers to track health coverage, primary care providers, and Affordable Care Act information.  “Roving Navigators” will promote access to health coverage at barbershops, auto body shops, and nail salons.

Family Health Center of Worcester

Year: 2014 *Multi-year Grant: 2013

Family Health Center of Worcester will assist uninsured individuals to enroll in and maintain coverage, and connect to a primary care medical home.  They will continue weekly New Patient Orientation/Education Sessions, and expand the use of “I Speak” cards that detail useful information on the health center for patients.  Finally, they will provide individualized education and install computer kiosks for patients to use.

Massachusetts Law Reform Institute

Year: 2014 *Multi-year Grant: 2013

The Massachusetts Law Reform Institute will continue its advocacy with MassHealth and the Connector around issues of eligibility, auto-assignment of health coverage, income determinations, and the availability of resources for assisters from community-based organizations.  Additionally, it will continue its work with the Disability Advocates Advancing our Health Care Rights (DAAHR) Coalition on the One Care demonstration for dual-eligible individuals.  

Health Law Advocates

Year: 2014 *Multi-year Grant: 2013

Health Law Advocates will continue its advocacy work in five areas:  health care reform implementation, medical debt advocacy, children’s mental health access, access to oral health care, and pro-bono legal support.  Additionally, the organization will provide individual representation for residents who have been denied access to health care or have received unaffordable medical bills.  

Codman Square Health Center

Year: 2014 *Multi-year Grant: 2013

Codman Square Health Center will conduct outreach and enrollment, hold a series of events to help attendees complete insurance applications, and provide orientations on available health coverage options.  Computers will be made available at the Codman Tech Center to access the health insurance marketplace, and consumers will be connected to the health center’s patient-centered medical home model to promote consumer engagement and self-sufficiency.