Grant Partners

Urban Edge Housing Corporation

Year: 2015 *Multi-year Grant: 2016
Program Area: Social Equity and Health

Urban Edge provides housing supportive services including public benefit enrollment, family budgeting, leadership development, connections to community, and tax preparation services.  The Family Van carries out curbside testing, health coaching, and care referrals to individuals in underserved communities, travelling directly to areas in which the need is greatest, and providing a range of preventive services and an alternative to costly emergency department visits.  Both organizations will partner with Winn Companies to analyze the impact that housing support services have on the health of families most impacted by the social determinants of health, using an Evaluation Framework for Community Health Programs. 

Fishing Partnership Health Plan

Year: 2015 *Multi-year Grant: 2016

Fishing Partnership Health Plan (FPHP) will conduct outreach mailings and maintain presence at harbors, marinas, and trade shows, reaching fishermen and their families. They will address churn through providing a Resource Sheet with relevant deadlines, follow-up via preferred communications methods, and provide individual education sessions on health insurance literacy.

The Boston Foundation's Health Starts at Home Initiative

Year: 2015 *Multi-year Grant: 2016
Boston, MA
Program Area: Social Equity and Health

The Health Starts at Home Initiative supports four partnerships that bring together housing and health care organizations to support work that demonstrates the positive effects of stable, affordable housing to children's health outcomes, identify promising new and existing models for collaboration that can be brought to scale, decrease health care costs, and decrease costs related to homelessness.  Families eligible for participation have children under the age of 12, and are experiencing housing instability.  The evaluation partners for Health Starts at Home, Health Resources in Action and the Urban Institute, are conducting both outcome and process evaluations to measure whether and how improved housing stability affects the health of children, as well as to document successes and challenges, and develop best practices for creating these types of health care and housing partnerships. 

Ecu-Health Care

Year: 2015 *Multi-year Grant: 2016
North Adams

Ecu-Health Care will utilize broadcast and print media to inform residents of health coverage options; provide presentations to community organizations; educate area businesses about health coverage options for employees; and work with physicians’ groups and health and human service organizations to facilitate referrals. Churn will be reduced through education during one-on-one application assistance appointments and health insurance literacy is integrated into a comprehensive packet for applicants.

Massachusetts Senior Action Council

Year: 2014 *Multi-year Grant: 2013

Massachusetts Senior Action Council will advocate for health care access for the over 65 population.  It will advocate for its constituents around growing out-of-pocket costs and affordability, expanding access to community-based long-term care by eliminating disparities in eligibility for personal care attendant services, and ensuring adequate funding for home care.  Finally, the organization will increase awareness of and streamline enrollment for existing senior health care programs.