Grant Partners

County of Dukes County

Year: 2015 *Multi-year Grant: 2016
West Tisbury

Dukes County will participate in community outreach events, and use paid and unpaid advertising and social media to promote affordable insurance information. They will develop a folder with handouts for appointments, and adapt a checklist for account set-up, enrollment and payment information, primary care provider selection, and making appointments. It will also set up reminder systems for clients with pending action steps. 

Boston Center for Independent Living

Year: 2015 *Multi-year Grant: 2016

Boston Center for Independent Living (BCIL) will provide services to and seek full integration for individuals with disabilities into society. BCIL will advocate to policymakers and legislative leaders, maintain and strengthen operations for the Disability Advocates Advancing our Healthcare Rights (DAAHR) Coalition, organize the disability community against any threats to coverage or affordability, develop organizational technical expertise, and provide policy analysis and input to the field, particularly related to One Care. BCIL will also increase capacity to focus on behavioral health integration and social equity.

National Alliance on Mental Illness Massachusetts

Year: 2015 *Multi-year Grant: 2016

The National Alliance on Mental Illness Massachusetts (NAMI Mass) will strive for access to services for all who need them and end the stigma around mental illness.  Their strategies include educating families and individuals to understand their illnesses and advocating for needed services. NAMI will strengthen their policy focus on the following issues: a lack of uniform access to health-related benefits; lack of recognition of cost-effective treatment modalities by MassHealth; and inequitable treatment of disability coverage for mental illness.

Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers

Year: 2015 *Multi-year Grant: 2016

The Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers (the League) will address the changes in the policy and health care environment with vulnerable populations, community health centers, and their communities.  A main goal is to analyze health care reform policies, monitor proposals for change, and educate community health centers and partner organizations. The League will also assemble health centers, community members, providers, and advocates in an action-based coalition for maintaining and expanding coverage.

Community Health Programs

Year: 2015
Great Barrington

Community Health Programs (CHP) will target outreach in nearby towns with over 100 uninsured residents, and attend community events to connect with the underserved, using its mobile van to reach those in geographically isolated locations. It will reduce churn by proactively communicating via phone and email that insurance is about to lapse, and provide instructions for seeking assistance. CHP will also create a Facebook page to explain common insurance terms, and post and translate sample letters from MassHealth.