Grant Partners

National Alliance on Mental Illness Massachusetts

Year: 2016 *Multi-year Grant: 2015

The National Alliance on Mental Illness Massachusetts (NAMI Mass) will strive for access to services for all who need them and end the stigma around mental illness.  Their strategies include educating families and individuals to understand their illnesses and advocating for needed services. NAMI will strengthen their policy focus on the following issues: a lack of uniform access to health-related benefits; lack of recognition of cost-effective treatment modalities by MassHealth; and inequitable treatment of disability coverage for mental illness.

Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations

Year: 2016
Boston, MA
Program Area: Social Equity and Health

Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations (MACDC), in partnership with the Mel King Institute, will train community developers and offer technical assistance to help them partner with local hospitals to address the social determinants of health at the community level.  Content of the trainings include hospital Community Benefit programs, the Determination of Need program, reforms to health care under Medicaid and requirements for Accountable Care Organization models, and successful examples of partnerships between the hospital and housing communities.  This program seeks to build partnerships with community developers, as hospitals are addressing the needs identified in their own Community Health Needs Assessment processes. 

Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers

Year: 2016 *Multi-year Grant: 2015

The Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers (the League) will address the changes in the policy and health care environment with vulnerable populations, community health centers, and their communities.  A main goal is to analyze health care reform policies, monitor proposals for change, and educate community health centers and partner organizations. The League will also assemble health centers, community members, providers, and advocates in an action-based coalition for maintaining and expanding coverage.

Family Health Center of Worcester

Year: 2015 *Multi-year Grant: 2016

Family Health Center of Worcester (FHCW) will partner with community organizations to receive referrals for individuals needing enrollment assistance. They will provide one-on-one sessions and events about minimizing the risk of losing coverage, review all eligibility determination letters, utilize its EMR to record pending expiration dates, and use automated call center software to reach uninsured patients in multiple languages. The organization will conduct quarterly “health insurance 101” trainings, provide regular patient orientation sessions, and make health insurance literacy information and resources available through patient computer kiosks.

Massachusetts Senior Action Council

Year: 2015 *Multi-year Grant: 2016

The Massachusetts Senior Action Council (MSAC) will address key public policy and community issues affecting the health and well-being for the 65 and over population, empowering its members to use their own voices to address key public policy and community issues. Advocacy will focus on the growing disparity in out-of-pocket costs and affordability. MSAC will coordinate the “Bridge the Gap” campaign, which focuses on health care affordability for seniors.