Grant Partners
Massachusetts Public Health Association
Massachusetts Public Health Association (MPHA) is leading a newly formed Alliance for Community Health Integration ("the Alliance"), focused on how the health care system could more powerfully impact social determinants of health. In its inaugural year, the Alliance will implement an aggressive, multi-faceted, multi-year strategy involving significant leadership from numerous organizational partners at the local and state levels. It will conduct key informant interviews of local grasstops and grassroots leaders that are working to improve social determinants of health at the neighborhood level, to help test and refine the Alliance concept. The Alliance will also conduct a rigorous policy and political landscape analysis to identify opportune windows over the coming years, and recommendations on framing and community strategies needed for successful campaigns.
Center for Health Law and Economics, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Project Director: Robert Seifert
“Churning in Massachusetts: A Planning Study” is a one year project that will examine the feasibility of an updated study of “churning” in Massachusetts’ public health insurance programs, MassHealth and ConnectorCare. Churning is an important phenomenon in public programs because its existence indicates interruptions in health coverage, which often means breaks in continuity of care. The methodology for the planning project will include a literature review and a series of key informant interviews with consumer advocates, state officials, and provider and payer representatives. The information from these activities will then be synthesized into a preliminary research plan for a full study.
Hilltown Community Health Centers
Hilltown Community Health Centers (HCHC) will work with small businesses, Councils on Aging, schools, employers, medical providers, and community organizations to conduct outreach, advertise in newsletters, print, and social media. They will work with the Connector to identify and target outreach to consumers who need to renew their coverage and partner with sheriff’s departments, courts and probation offices to reach recently incarcerated and court-involved individuals who experience higher rates of churn. To address health insurance literacy, they will develop consumer-friendly education tools and collateral.
Massachusetts Housing and Shelter Alliance
Massachusetts Housing and Shelter Alliance (MHSA) serves unaccompanied homeless adults throughout the state, with a primary focus on the chronically homeless. MHSA will analyze the impact of housing as a social determinant of health among the chronically homeless population through two permanent supportive housing programs, Home & Healthy for Good and Pay for Success. In partnership with the Commonwealth Medicine division of UMass Medical School and Analysis Group, the study will estimate the impact of participation in these programs on health care use and costs, using Medicaid claims and enrollment data.
Citizens' Housing and Planning Association
Funding will support the On Solid Ground (OSG) Coalition, which is facilitated by Citizens' Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA), and includes advocacy organizations representing health, housing, education, employment, legal services, and faith-based communities, as well as research and philanthropic partners. In the past year, OSG conducted gap analysis and research, publishing Observations and Findings from 31 Public Support Programs Available to Low-Income Families in Massachusetts, which identified the programmatic and administrative barriers faced by vulnerable residents of the state when they try to use such social service resources. OSG plans to deepen its involvement, with key staff continuing to partner with the Foundation on Actions Labs and other convenings, attend hearings on Medicaid reform and related topics, and participate in coalitions that work on community benefit agreements, determination of need, Medicaid reform, and research initiatives in other states. They will strive to increase funding and support for housing assistance and services as part of a coordinated strategy to address the social determinants of health.