Grant Partners
Boston Center for Independent Living
Boston Center for Independent Living (BCIL) will represent the interests of individuals with disabilities to policymakers and health care delivery system leaders. BCIL will work to ensure the availability of funds for accessible medical equipment, the continuation of funding for One Care plans, and the stability of MassHealth’s partnership with community-based organizations. BCIL will partner with other organizations in representing the disability community to accountable care organizations. Additionally, BCIL will continue its involvement with the Disability Advocates Advancing our Healthcare Rights (DAAHR) Coalition, focusing on social determinants of health.
Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands
Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands will participate in outreach activities in Cape Cod and Nantucket; utilize local and social media to inform clients of updated information on MassHealth and Connector plans; outreach to unemployed populations through a partnership with Career Opportunities Center and to immigrant communities through the Immigration Resource Center; use plain language tools developed for multilingual audiences; and coordinate with Volunteer Income Tax Assistance tax sites in sharing materials with clients as they receive tax preparation assistance.
National Alliance on Mental Health Illness-Massachusetts
The National Alliance on Mental Illness Massachusetts (NAMI Mass) will work to improve access to mental health services and to reduce stigma regarding mental health conditions. Priorities include restoring state funding and reimbursement for behavioral health services and improving commercial coverage of emergency services. Additionally, NAMI Mass will work on creating a statewide mental health training program for law enforcement. To achieve these goals, NAMI Mass will conduct policy analyses, organize local chapters and peer support program members, and participate in coalitions and stakeholder alliances.
Caring Health Center
Caring Health Center will implement an extensive media and grassroots community outreach campaign to promote enrollment via multilingual television, radio, newspaper, print, social media, and website advertisements; deliver outreach at numerous community events and venues; support MassHealth members impacted by the Accountable Care Organization transition, increasing knowledge and awareness of new coverage options; develop and facilitate multilingual discussion groups to understand health system challenges; and develop facilitators’ guides, educational handouts, and a survey instrument to assess consumers’ understanding of public health insurance availability, policies, and literacy.
Greater New Bedford Community Health Center
Greater New Bedford Community Health Center will educate patients on practices that will help them obtain and maintain coverage, including an overview of the enrollment process, action steps needed, and key deadlines; set-up a secure drop-box for patients to deposit documentation to expedite the collection and application processes; develop reminder cards that highlight important dates, deadlines, and outstanding documentation; proactively review copies of patients’ notification letters from MassHealth and the Connector to provide targeted assistance for those denied for coverage; and target outreach at self-pay patients, which the health center is seeing at increased rates, to discuss coverage options and assist in the enrollment process.