Grant Partners

The Dimock Center

Year: 2018 *Multi-year Grant: 2017

The Dimock Center will utilize its practice management system to run registries of individuals who might be at risk of losing their coverage based on insurance transitions; lead workshops and information sessions at the health center and with community partner agencies to educate patients on how to apply for, enroll in, and maintain health coverage; notify patients within four to six weeks of application to ensured they received their coverage confirmation letter, remind them of any expiration or renewal dates, and confirm next steps to ensure coverage is maintained; set up alerts in the electronic health record to notify staff of coverage expiration dates a few weeks prior to flag patients that need help with renewal applications.

Massachusetts Public Health Association

Year: 2018 *Multi-year Grant: 2017

Massachusetts Public Health Association (MPHA) will focus on community health integration and improving the built environment. MPHA will work with the Alliance for Community Health Integration to ensure that social determinants of health are adequately addressed, in particular through community investments, support for ACOs from MassHealth, and health care institutions’ internal policies.

Massachusetts Association for Mental Health

Year: 2018 *Multi-year Grant: 2017

The Massachusetts Association for Mental Health (MAMH) will work to improve access to behavioral health services and health-related social services for individuals with behavioral health conditions. MAMH will analyze policies and evidence-based programs related to health, including supportive housing subsidies and criminal justice reform, and will disseminate their findings through reports and through their activities as a convener and coalition leader. MAMH will also work to expand their capacity for data collection, measurement, and reporting.

Brockton Neighborhood Health Center

Year: 2018 *Multi-year Grant: 2017

Brockton Neighborhood Health Center will partner with community organizations; help patients update account information, make payments and understand communications from the MassHealth and the Connector; reach out to patients via phone or mail to ensure they understand changes and take steps to maintain coverage; and work closely with patients through individual education and coaching to address post-enrollment issues like selecting a health plan, choosing a primary care provider, and making payments online.

Family Health Center of Worcester

Year: 2018 *Multi-year Grant: 2017

Family Health Center of Worcester will conduct outreach with partner agencies; advertise Navigator services in local media; review all eligibility determination letters received from MassHealth and the Connector, proactively contacting patients who were denied or lost coverage, and assist them in completing the application or re-applying; use multilingual call center software to send auto reminders and targeted messages to patients with impending deadlines; provide group information sessions at agencies that serve target population; and host monthly orientations for new patients to help them understand how to navigate services at the health center.