Advancing Community-Driven Mental Health
The Advancing Community-Driven Mental Health is a multi-year grant program that provides $100,000 to five organizations for an initial planning year followed by implementation over years two and three (with funding available up to $150,000 yearly).
Advancing Community-Driven Mental Health is funding the five community-based organizations to improve access to community-based mental health services for adults experiencing mild to moderate mental health distress and practical problems of daily living. Under this program, staff members of community-based organizations will be equipped to deliver mental health support in the community by teaching basic concepts and skills that enable individuals to address and deal with issues of immediate concern to them. This grant program will utilize a community-based low-intensity psychological intervention known as Problem Management Plus (PM+). The intervention was developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to address mental health treatment gaps in low- and middle-income countries.
The grant program also funds training, technical assistance, coaching, and implementation support to the organizations developing and implementing Problem Management Plus (PM+) services within their organizations. These services are provided by The Family Van and Partners In Health. An evaluation of the program is being conducted by the Institute for Community Health.